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cuprous chloride中文是什么意思

用"cuprous chloride"造句"cuprous chloride"怎么读"cuprous chloride" in a sentence


  • 氯化亚铜


  • Experiment study of preparing active cuprous chloride from low grade copper ore
  • Cuprous chloride for industrial use
  • Manufacturer and exporter of copper chemicals : cuprous chloride , cupric chloride anhydrous and dihydrate , cuprous oxide
  • The chemical and physical properties of cuprous chloride and its manufactures and application field are introduced in this paper
  • Company in china manufacturing ferrous , ferric , and cuprous chloride , as well as colloid transparent wax and glycerine
  • Abstract : the preparation of cuprous chloride from etching waste liquor of cupric chloride and crude copper powder was studied . the result showed that this method had many advantages , including simple process , easy operation and good quality of product , therefore it had remarkable economic and environmental benefits
用"cuprous chloride"造句  
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